The diesel generator house is nearing completion. This building will house the two generators and the electrical switching equipment. The hospital will have three power sources when the project is completed, the hydroelectric system, diesel generators and the national power grid.

This is the 11 inch penstock pipe that will carry the water from intake dam up on the hill, 2 km down to the turbine. It will deliver 100 L of water/sec at full power.

Work on the dam is progressing well. The far end of the dam is at the final height. Each step is 0.5 meter. The base of the dam will be 7 meters at it's widest. A steel shutter will be placed in the dam where the steps end that can be opened allowing the dam to be drained.

This is the dam viewed from the north end.

The opening in the dam is for the penstock to pass through. There will be two penstock attachments and one 4 inch water pipe connected. A rake and coranda will be installed on the lake side of the dam to collect debris and prevent it from entering the penstock.